Building Resilience
A Collection of Resources on Building Resilience and Overcoming Struggles for Individuals, Parents, Caregivers, Children, and Community Members
- Resources
- Building Resilience
Recommended Articles
- 5 Steps to Greater Resilience Today (Psychology Today)
- PBS Kids: Expanding Your Child’s Circle of Concern
- 5 Tips for Cultivating Empathy (Harvard Graduate School of Education)
- What is Resilience? Your Guide to Facing Life’s Challenges, Adversities, and Crises (Everyday Health)
- "We Can Do Hard Things:" Building Resilience in Kids (Deborah Farmer Kris for PBS Kids)
- Coping with Life’s Transitions: What Is One Action that Will Help? (Dr. Robert Brooks)

Recommended Books
- Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents by Lynn Lyons
- The Emotional Lives of Teenagers by Dr. Lisa Damour
- The Optimistic Child by Martin Seligman
- Middle School Superpowers: Raising Resilient Tweens in Turbulent Times by Phyllis Fagell
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
- Raising Resilience by Dr. Tova Klein
- Tenacity in Children: Nurturing the Seven Instincts for Lifetime Success by Robert Brooks and Sam Goldstein
- The Parents We Mean to Be by Dr. Rick Weissbourd
- When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Rabbi Harold Kushner
There’s a big difference, emotionally, between the phrase, “I can’t do it!” and “I can’t do it, yet.” The word “yet” is a bridge between present frustration and future possibility.
— Deborah Farmer Kris, Author and Child Development Expert
Recommended Videos and Podcasts
- Dr. Rick Weissbourd: Raising Caring, Courageous, and Respectful Children (3 Minute Video)
- Dr. Damour w/Dr. Tova Klein: Raising Resilient Kids in Uncertain Times (Podcast)
- Developing a Growth Mindset with Dr. Carol Dweck (Video - 9 mins)
- Dr. Robert Brooks: "What Do Resilient Children Have in Common?"

Tips For Staying Resilient During Difficult Times
- Practice self care and/or a calming activity. This is highly individual! Do what brings you comfort. Breathing, meditation, spiritual practice, cup of tea, yoga can all be helpful.
- Look to the heroes - as Greater Good Science says, when we focus on those who are helping (healthcare workers, public servants) "we feel what is called moral elevation—a warm feeling inside that inspires us, fueling optimism and a desire to act altruistically ourselves."
- Practice compassion - a powerful practice "acknowledges our vulnerability and it brings out our strengths so that we can be a lamp, a bridge, a source of medicine to the hearts of others and ourselves..." (from J. Kornfield's excellent meditation.)
- Focus on what you can control - as the AFSP recommends "separate what is in your control from what is not. There are things you can do, and it’s helpful to focus on those."
- Maintain social connections - email, call, and video chat with friends and family.
- Limit the news - think of this as a healthy diet for your mind - watch your intake. You deserve to protect your mind from overwhelm. (And limit exposure to people who overwhelm you with negative news.)
- Exercise if you can - moving helps relieve stress and affirm a feeling of strength.
- Get outside - fresh air and sunshine do wonders. Nature has a unique ability to calm and show that after the storms of life, all will be well.
- Practice gratitude - gratitude refocuses us on what is going right in the world. It also helps us recognize the heroes around us.
- Work on a productive project - action is an antidote to anxiety.
- Get professional help if needed. View mental health resources here.